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Converting your loft into a… playroom

Updated: Aug 28

How often have you had the feeling that your kids, and their friends, are taking over your precious living space? No matter how many kids you actually have, it can sometimes feel like a whole football team has descended on your home when your little ones, or not so little ones, invite their friends over. Factor in, toys, sports equipment and other kids paraphernalia and you could have a serious space problem on your hands!

A Multi-Purpose Room So, turning your attic space into a playroom for the kids, maybe with a spare kids bed also, is a perfect solution. The slanted walls make the room cosy and they don’t bother the kids at all. Also, the attic is usually quite spacious so there are lots of great things you can do with it. Play area, study room, sleep-over den, your loft space could provide the children with a multi-purpose room of their very own!

You could easily soundproof your loft by fitting the walls with soundproof boarding and even adding acoustic cavity loft installation, both of which will help to keep the sound in. This will also help to insulate for heating, making your new loft playroom a cosy place that the kids will love to be in.

Maybe a Nursery in Your Loft? A loft playroom lends itself particularly well to slightly older children but you could consider putting a nursery in the loft. This can be a good idea but you will need to make sure you make it childproof; you need to make sure the loft stairs are covered and there is no risk of the baby falling down them from the nursery. Nurseries in the loft are a better idea when the child is a bit older as it may not be practical if you are in a bedroom downstairs and the child is upstairs.

So converting your loft into a play room is a good idea for both young and old children, it can be a good storage place for children’s toys and give older children a bit of independence.

A playroom in an eaves loft conversion with velux windows

Not forgetting the additional benefit of your own peace and quiet!

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